Bhakti Love Reunion
Bhakti Love September 16th - 18th, 2022 Native Springs, Weldon, California (near Bakersfield and Lake Isabella)
A life changing weekend of community, collaboration, harmonious energy, oneness, mindfulness, playfulness and joy. A sacred co-creative gateway to your fullest expression. Design your own personal quest in practice with others, and create memories for a lifetime.
Celebrating yoga culture from the wisdom of the ancients to the exquisite writings of Pantha Jali to the grassroots of the 60's countercutlure, modern yoga studio and transformation arts movement. Featuring Kirtan and Yoga headliners and other beloved national and regional teachers.
Musical performances, Yoga classes, Flow Arts, Unique Vendors, Art Installations, Workshops, Playgrounds for consciousness expansion, Drumming circles, Sacred Fire, small Lake, Stream, Swimming Pool, and wholesome libations, and high vibrational food.